Don’t forget your plants

Redrock (38_1)Many of us have a vegetable garden that we would like to harvest our fruits of our labor later. Had you considered installing a drip irrigation system for your garden to water your plants while you are on your summer vacation?

There is nothing more that a broken heart when coming back and your vegetable garden has suffered a loss because during the time you were gone there was not enough rain you had hoped for, or the person you had asked to come over to water your plants did not do what they had told you they would do.

You can find reasonably priced drip irrigation systems in your local big box Hardware Store with timers, and they are not hard to install. Just don’t install them last minute and hope it will work, there are some small adjustments you may need to make to distribute the water equally throughout the plants.

One great thing with a drip system is that the water is being distributed directly to the base of the plants and not sprayed everywhere like a sprinkler system.