Keeping Your Home Safe on Vacation

insurance-agent-doug-resendez--164x164Keeping Your Home Safe on Vacation

By: Guest Writer Doug Resendez


Vacations are meant to be a time to kick back and relax, a time to unwind, and a time to disconnect from all the hustle and bustle of our normal routines at home. Time away from home is good for us, but it also creates opportunity for our homes to be burglarized while away. Here are a few tips to give you peace of mind in order to enjoy your vacation to its fullest.


  • Almost everyone you know utilizes some form of social media. Although this is a great platform to share pictures of how much fun you are having on vacation, it also presents an opportunity for a burglar to know when you are away from the house. Load up those visual memories and post them once you return home.
  • Prior to leaving for vacation, double-check to make sure all of your windows and doors are locked, and that you have shut the garage door. A majority of all burglars enter a home through an open window or door. Double checking all of these will give you peace of mind on the plane or as you travel.
  • Create the illusion that someone is home while you are away. Keep your exterior lights on during the evening, and park your car in the driveway instead of the garage.
  • Consider having a family member, friend or neighbor collect your mail or newspaper while you are away, or ask the post office to hold your mail until you return from your vacation. Mail and newspapers that collect in front of the house can be a sign that no one is home.
  • Having a home security system installed in your house is one of the best ways to deter someone from breaking into your home while you’re away. Typically a home security company will give you signs that you can post outside your home, and the alarm company will be alerted in the event a window or door is open while the alarm system is armed.


Use these tips to assist you in having a worry free vacation. Securing your home prior to leaving and decreasing your vulnerability in your absence will allow you to enjoy your vacation away without worrying about your home. Have a safe and wonderful vacation!


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