Wide and open spaces

open spaceThe open floor plan has been a housing trend for many years already and it looks like it is not going to disappear anytime soon.

The open floor space layout is really nothing new but has evolved over the years back to the one room living space where everything is done in one room. The only exemption from the past is that we no longer sleep, cook, and live in the same room. Continue reading Wide and open spaces

The smart home

Due to our ever changing lifestyles, our home needs to be more reflective of us and not our past, including the older homes. Only a few years ago it was ok that our home served our basic needs for sleeping, entertaining, and some cases business. Today our home needs to be more versatile.

It is no longer enough for the home to serve as a place to sleep and entertain. More and more of us now work only from home now need a home that serves not only as a home, but also as a company headquarters with a separate working space.

With a separate working space in your home, todays needs now require our home be more equipped with modern features rather than those that are out dated. Homes need to be more and more web controlled, including security systems, keyless entry, lighting, multiple charging stations for devices, and all the other conveniences many of us are using on a daily basis.

Even furniture manufactures are recognizing the trend and have started offering furniture that includes convenient charging stations into their design. Based on my personal electronic lifestyle, I have several charging stations that are conveniently located throughout my house, including in several pieces of furniture. At the time I bought them they were hard to find but more and more companies are recognizing the need and they are becoming easier to find in local stores.

Facing the muddy waters of a divorce as a women

gavelDivorce is a really stressful time for those women who experience it. Overwhelmed with decisions on child custody, support, property division, and settlement agreements can leave you disoriented. In addition to all of this are feelings of defeat, anger, and grief as you find yourself battling the very person you vowed to love for the rest of your life. Continue reading Facing the muddy waters of a divorce as a women

Residential home styles

While driving through neighborhoods you easily can see that every home has a style. In many cases a home may have more than one style. Sometimes it very difficult to categorize a home. Due to updates, past owners taste differences, needed upgrades, and necessary remodels, a cookie cutter home can develop its own unique style and may not fit into a particular style.

HomeI am for certain not an expert on architecture, and I have several personal favorite styles I prefer just due to the unique lines, but it sometimes does hurt a little when I see a true Colonial Home being classified as a Contemporary Home, or a true Shotgun Home being categorized as a Bungalow. Continue reading Residential home styles

Why do you have a garage when you cannot park your vehicles in it?

Why do you have a garage when you cannot park your vehicles in it? That is the question I am asking myself every time I am looking at some of the garages when I drive through neighborhoods. Some of them are so packed full that the garage door only can be opened very, very, very slowly. Otherwise the boxes still fall out into the driveway. I have a neighbor like that.

We all like to keep mementos and precious things, but then you have so much stuff that fills your garage from front to back and top to bottom that you have too much. It is time clean house.

Continue reading Why do you have a garage when you cannot park your vehicles in it?

Purchasing homes for less by purchasing fixer-uppers.

4824 E WIn many areas there are still many homes on the market that are bank owned. They would need some small repairs to bring them back alive. Homes like that would be great for buyers who would like to save some money when purchasing their home and are not afraid to roll up their sleeves.

Continue reading Purchasing homes for less by purchasing fixer-uppers.