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Timeshare or not

canal_1Going on vacation and being bombarded daily to purchase a timeshare. In this particular hotel where I was staying, they offered timeshare units. I decided to do a little more research on the pros and cons of timeshares.

Wikipedia definition of a timeshare:

A timeshare is a property with a particular form of ownership or use rights. These properties are typically resort condominium units, in which multiple parties hold rights to use the property, and each sharer is allotted a period of time (typically one week and almost always the same time every year) in which they may use the property. Units may be on a partial ownership, lease, or “right to use” basis, in which the sharer holds no claim to ownership of the property [1]

Personally I have seen how many timeshare sales people entice a potential timeshare buyer into buying ā€œthe dreamā€.

Before you jump onto the timeshare ownership wagon, there are several things you should consider. Continue reading Timeshare or not

We love spring but hate the allergies that come with the season

allergy-season-louisville-kentucky-ftrMany of us dread the coming of spring because we already know that the allergy problems that will come with the season. There are some facts and myths about allergies, especially seasonal allergies.

One Myth is that hay fever comes only from hay. Hay fever is actually caused and triggered by either grass, tree, and weed pollen and some mold spores. Continue reading We love spring but hate the allergies that come with the season

Lesson to be learned from a guy who walks 21 mile to work

walking in snowWe all have heard the news about the Detroit Michigan resident James Robertson who walks to and from his job every day. When you have not heard the story, here is a link to a Business Insider article about James Robertson.

His car broke down years ago and he did not have the money to fix it. Ever since then he made the 21 mile trip to and from work on foot while keeping perfect attendance at this job.

Continue reading Lesson to be learned from a guy who walks 21 mile to work

Winter is a good time to prep your home for selling in the spring

winter_1We all heard the news that the groundhog saw his shadow, so now we will have 6 more weeks of winter.Ā  Letā€™s take that time to prepare the house for selling in the spring. Its cold outside so it is a great time to work inside. We can do some of the outside work when it warms up outside. Continue reading Winter is a good time to prep your home for selling in the spring

Considering relocating overseas. Consider the cost of living.

MoveHub has published a world map that highlights each country’s cost of living. The cost of living numbers included the prices of groceries, transportation, restaurants, and utilities.

Most of us who consider moving to another country look at some of the basic information we find. Looking at this report it is a real an eye opener.

Some of the countries with the highest cost of living indexes are the UK, Australia, Switzerland, Singapore, and France. Comparing some of the countries with the lowest cost of living index are Morocco, Nepal, India, and Egypt. You can see the full report and list below.

An interesting map from MoveHub reveals living costs around the world.

Global Living Costs Map

Winter is great for spring gardening planning

Winter is great for spring gardening planning
Winter is great for spring gardening planning

Winter is here and many times it is just to cold to do anything outside. This is a perfect time to plan for your outdoor projects you can accomplish in the spring, summer, or fall. It does not matter if you own your house, rent a house or apartment, there are things you can do to make your personal outdoor space a little more appealing to you.

Continue reading Winter is great for spring gardening planning

Winter is the season for the most home fires.

There are more home fires in the winter than any other season.
There are more home fires in the winter than any other season.

There are more home fires in the winter than any other season. Several reasons for this include unattended cooking stove, live Christmas trees not being watered adequately, old artificial trees with outdated and possible faulty lights and wiring, unattended fire places or candles, and space heaters to close to flammable material just to name a few.

Continue reading Winter is the season for the most home fires.

When renovating, not everything has to be bought new

When you are renovating or rehabbing a home consider reusing and recycling some of the original materials. It will many times save you money in the long run.
When you are renovating or rehabbing a home consider reusing and recycling some of the original materials. It will many times save you money in the long run.

When you are renovating or rehabbing a home consider reusing and recycling some of the original materials. It will many times save you money in the long run.

Some great items to save, restore, and reuse are fireplace mantels, handrails, spindles, or solid wood doors. Continue reading When renovating, not everything has to be bought new