We love spring but hate the allergies that come with the season

allergy-season-louisville-kentucky-ftrMany of us dread the coming of spring because we already know that the allergy problems that will come with the season. There are some facts and myths about allergies, especially seasonal allergies.

One Myth is that hay fever comes only from hay. Hay fever is actually caused and triggered by either grass, tree, and weed pollen and some mold spores.

One fact is that rain will wash pollen away, and another is the pollen count is normally higher on dry and windy days between 10 AM and 4 PM.

Another myth is that your mold allergy only will be triggered when you are inside and you do not have to worry about mold when you are outside.  Mold can be found almost everywhere in nature where there is moist dirt and soil, decaying leaves, and rotting wood.

None of us can avoid the allergy triggers that are outside of our home, we can get allergy shots to help reduce the reaction to the allergies. Indoors we can reduce some of our allergy triggers different ways.

Regardless of how many times you vacuum any carpet, there will be residue of dust. When you have pets, pet hair, and pet dander, consider switching to hardwood, vinyl, laminated, or tile flooring, especially when you have pets. When switching over to a hard surface flooring check for a reputable dealer that is willing to help you find a great alternative to what you currently have.

There are several other things you can do in and around your home to prevent triggering your allergies. Keep your gutters clean and repaired. Another thing is to make sure that you do not have water puddles right next to the house when it rains. Check and make certain water will drain away from the house.

Vent the clothes dryer to the outside of the house. Not only will this reduce the humidity inside the house but also prevent a possible fire. Cloth dryer lint is known as highly flammable and you will not be faced with extra dust bunnies that will hide throughout the house.

I can go on for days speaking on how you can reduce your exposure to allergies inside and outside your house. When you have any concerns about this, the best person to speak with is first your doctor or allergist. You can find a reputable contractor to help you reduce your exposure to the things that will trigger your allergies.

We are not experts in allergies for that you should consult your doctor or allergist. When you are looking for an expert in Real Estate contact the Settles Team.  With over 18+ years experience in Real Estate we have mad the impossible possible.

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