8 hidden places in your home where allergies can hide

cleaning 2There are many places in your home where hidden allergy triggers hide that will have you sneezing, itching, and wheezing.

1. Washing and drying the laundry to cold.

Do you wash your pillows or sheets on a regularly with water that is 140 degrees F? Dust mites are a frequent allergy trigger that cannot survive in temperatures that are 140 F or above. When you wash your sheets or pillows on hot and you still have issues with sniffling when you hit the pillow, check to make sure your water heater truly has the water heating up to 140F or above.

2. Potted plants

The dirt in potted plants can harbor allergy triggers, especially when you overwater the plants. Several things you can do is to convert the plant to a hydroponics system. When you are not comfortable with doing this, consider using sterile potting soil and cover the top of the soil with decorative rocks or glass.

3. Gas vs. electric stove

Many of us have a stove, either gas or electric. When it comes to an allergy preventer the electric stove would be the better option for someone who suffers from allergies. The nitrogen dioxide that is emitted by a gas stove is one of the potential allergy triggers.

Another word of caution when using an electric or gas stove. Many things we cook emits steam into the kitchen. Make sure you are using your exhaust fan to vent the steam or nitrogen dioxide out of the house.

4. Love your dry cleaning?

Your dry cleaning may not like you. Have you ever wrinkled your nose when you walked into a dry cleaners? All the chemicals a dry cleaner is using will end up in your clothes and you are bound to take some of them home with you. If you have your clothes dry cleaned hang them up outside to air out. Don’t hang them in your closet right away.

5. Plush toys

We all love to give and receive plush as gifts, but have you ever considered that those cute animals and toys can harbor a very friendly colony of dust mites who are ready and waiting for you?

There are two options you have to put a stop to the dust mites. Like with your sheets and pillows, you can wash them is water that is over 140F, but when you suspect the plush will not make it through the hot dryer setting consider freezing them for 24 hours. Whether you use extreme heat or cold, either one will do the trick to get rid of them. After freezing them you still should wash them and dry them on a gentle cycle.

6. Scented candles

Oh how do I love the smell of a scented candle. A candle may also come with a possible allergy trigger. Many of them have a volatile organic compound (VOCs) that is emitted into the air while burning.

When you are absolutely cannot live without the scent of a candle or air-freshener, consider using an electric oil burner. Just make certain the scented oil you are burning comes from a reputable source.

7. Our friend the fish

A fish tank is the last place you would think that would be a place that would trigger your allergies. A fish tank can be a great place for mold to grow when not properly maintained. Clean your tank and the surrounding area on a regular basis.

8. Our beloved faux Christmas tree

Many households now have an artificial Christmas tree for Christmas and where do we store the tree for the off season. Many of us either store the tree in the basement or attic of our home or garage, even so it is kept in a container or box it still will collect the dust and possible rodent droppings.

First look at the manufactures suggestion on how to clean your tree and when possible ether wash the tree  with dish soap and water but make sure it is 100% dry before you take it inside your home, or use a vacuum cleaner to vacuum your tree. Either way make certain the tree is not plugged in and it might be easier to clean the tree while it is unassembled and do it outside.

You can see there are places in your home you might not think of that could trigger your allergies. For more ideas on where other areas of your home that may contain triggers your specific allergy, contact your allergist. It is always a good idea to keep a clean house. You spill it wipe it up, you make it dirty clean it up.

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